La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Opožděné Vánoce v Česku - 6. 1. 2013

3. 1.Jueves


4. 1.Viernes


5. 1.Sábado


6. 1.Domingo


7. 1.Lunes


8. 1.Martes


9. 1.Miércoles

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What I really miss is my home piano and the moments of the silence in the living room, except the sound of strings inside of this incredible wooden instrument. Writting something down and that heading to celebrate another christmas at my grandmother´s place. Father´s side is kind of big group and that ´s awesome. Everybody recieved a present and it was about nothing else than being among who you love the whole day. By the end my family prepared me a surprise - t-shirts in national colours so we made a czech flag from this idea:))

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1/25/2013 3:03:29 PM
Moc hezké a dojemné.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Opožděné Vánoce v Česku - 6. 1. 2013