La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Belize Life in BW - 30. 7. 2010
Share week

27. 7.Mardi


28. 7.Mercredi


29. 7.Jeudi


30. 7.Vendredi


31. 7.Samedi


1. 8.Dimanche


2. 8.Lundi

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Morning walk, I finished the office, Kody after lunch is being lazy, Nicola in her office hard at work, Cleaning the Van for a Monday tour, In the afternoon I had to go to Driver-licence office again to see if they have any licences in stock - mission successful, At the evening I went to take pictures for Punta Gorda Humane Society that we are starting in Punta Gorda ( ), Picture of friend's Bulldozer, Little sea on the way home.

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8/9/2010 7:22:51 PM
Taký pohodový kvalitný týždeň ;)
8/8/2010 8:08:57 PM
Dekuji moc za komentare. Zivot z pejskama je super. Uzil jsem si cernobile tento tyden ale pristi bude uz s barvama. Mozna tam nejakou CB soupnu.
8/8/2010 8:35:53 AM
ide z toho fajn pohoda.. :-) a fotky su uplne super..
8/7/2010 12:52:52 PM
život s pejsky fajn
8/7/2010 12:25:20 PM
Ak to mozem ako amater zhodnotit tak krasny tyzden, krasny prevod do BW a niekolko kuskov hodnych aj samostatneho publikovania. Gratulujem
8/7/2010 9:53:25 AM
Karle ČB tvému týdnu velmi sluší. Z každého tvého týdne mám obrovskou radost :-)
8/6/2010 8:06:28 PM
Karel, you're better and better. I like your weeks and this is the best of all your weeks. Please shoot further, I look forward to next week. :-) Luboš Budný

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Belize Life in BW - 30. 7. 2010