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Muciq je nejen fotogenická, ale i chytrá! Dojela Zdenička s Honzou na oběd a Mucinqa už nás čeká v přepravce na odjezd do Ostravy :D... V autě se jí to ale moc nelíbí, mňouká furt, tak jsem jí musela vyndat z přepravky :)... Hned, co jsme dojeli domů, tak si ustlala na kufru - asi chce cestovat zas :D... Dnes mám třetí Vánoce v tomto roce, a to s těma mýma dvěma :)... Všechno ready, večeře super a dárečky též! Super šatičky od Zdeničky, Simpson kryt je ještě na cestě z ebay :D... A super dáreček od Honzy, fit náramek, co počítá kroky, kolik kalorií se spálí za den, zaznamenává spánek... :)
Muciq is not only fotogenic but also smart! Zdenička with Honza came for lunch and Muciq is already waiting in the carrier's for departure to Ostrava :D... In the car she doesn't like it inside and meows all the time so I had to take her out from it :)... Right when we arrived to home, she fall asleep on mine suitcase - she probably wants to travel again :D... Today I have third Christmas in this year and it's with the two ones :)... Everything is ready, dinner super and gifts also! Great dress from Zdenička, Simpsons iphone cover is on the way from ebay :D... And an amazing gift from Honza, fit bracelet which counts steps, how much calories are burned per day, recorded sleep... :)