La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow First Week - 20. 4. 2016
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18. 4.Lundi


19. 4.Mardi


20. 4.Mercredi


21. 4.Jeudi


22. 4.Vendredi


23. 4.Samedi


24. 4.Dimanche

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Iphone photos mainly Foto 1: Amik lays besides the bed before I get up Foto 2: Another toy at work :) Foto 3: Work Work Work Foto 4: Lonely person on the bench looking at the bridge Foto 5: Church/Museum Foto 6: What can I make out of this food....nothing Foto 7: Dinner at Alcione and working on my photos Foto 8: Apply shampoo and create a killer fohawk! Foto 9: Cleaning the teeth like :)

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5/2/2016 5:09:18 PM
yes I do :D we agreed on few piskoty as a payment :D
5/2/2016 4:07:25 PM
Thu-7: That's my dog. Do you have a model release signed by her? :) Keep going bro!
5/2/2016 4:07:16 PM
Thu-7: That's my dog. Do you have a model release signed by her? :) Keep going bro!

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow First Week - 20. 4. 2016