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Mucinqa je hladová a žíznivá, protože ještě neví, co ji dnes čeká... Kastrace, ať sa netrápí... Opouštím Mucinqu na veterině a mezitím pracuji na našem firemním webu... Večer si Mucinqu vyzvedávám s Libčou a po narkóze je celá doblbaná, chuděra, ani chodit nemůže a padá, nevím jestli se smát nebo ji litovat :))... Nicméně 6 hodin jsme se jí snažili ňák spacifikovat... Z límce, aby si nelízala a netrhala stehy, skákala po celém baráku a hysterčila, tak jsme jí ho sundali... Ušili jsme jí košilku, ale do té jsme ji též nedostali... Jsme doškrábaní a dokousaní, jak nikdy... Tak jsme jí vytvořili pokojíček jen pro ni, aby někde neskákala a neuublížila si, protože je šíleně hyperaktivní a chtěla by všude skákat... Nakonec jsme jí nechali i límec a pak se zklidnila... Museli jsme, protože když ho neměla, tak první věc po narkóze byla, že si začla tahat stehy...
Mucinqa is hungry and thirsty because she doesn't know what's waiting for her today... Castration so she won't be crazy about it anymore... I left Mucinqa in the vet centrum and meantime I'm working on our company website... In the evening picking up Mucinqa with Libča and she is after anesthesia really stupid, poor cat, she cannot almost walk and she is falling down, I don't know if to laugh or to be sorry for her :))... However, we were trying to keep her calm for 6 hours... We used collar to prevent licking and to not to rip out the stitches but she was so crazy of it, she was angry... We made a special t-shirt for her but couldn't dress it up... We are completely scratched and bitten... So we made special room only for her to prevent jumping and hurt herself because she is super hyperactive and she would to jump everywhere... Finally we left her collar and later she calmed down... We had to because the first thing after anesthesia was that she tried to rip out stitches...