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Sobotní pohodička u snídaně a pak bereme Mucinqu a jedeme ke Zdeničce s Honzou, ju seznámit s Kuličkou... Pokus dobrý, ale neúspěšný :D... Prvně na sebe trošku prskaly, ale hlavně za sebou vůbec nešly... Mucinqa pak už byla v cajku a ve svém živlu, protože furt poznává, že tam bydlela a ví, kde je. No a Kulička si chránila svůj byt, své teritorium a neustále sa krčila, bála a syčela a prskala a Mucinqa na ňu jen čučela :D :D... Tak musíme udělat víc návštěv a snad sa zkámošija :))... Doma pak Libča začíná vytvářet kouli na našeho vánočního huhuláka...
Saturday's relax with breakfast and then we are taking Mucinqa and going to visit Zdenička and Honza, to meet Kulička... Good attemp but unsuccessful :D... Firstly they spat a bit to each other but they didn't go to each other to meet... Mucinqa later was really okay already because she remembers the old home she lived there so she knows where she is. And so Kulička protected her teritorium and constantly was hissing and spitting and Mucinqa just was looking at her :D :D... So we have to make more visits and they will maybe become friends :))... Then at home, Libča starts to create a ball for our Christmas snowman...