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Po vydatné snídani směr Karolina na schůzku se Zuzkou a Viktorem, kterým budu fotit svatbu v červnu a Aleš mi bude vypomáhat... Super to lidi, už sa těším :)... Taky jsme v Karolině viděli zajímavou holku s klukem s netradičními vlasy, topka... Večer na ples a na poslední chvíli mi odpadla kadeřnica, takže jsem musela sama, ale povedlo se... Na plese v Akordu jsme zkonrolovali výstavu, dali drink s Romanem J., nechali sa vyfotit a užívali si večera...
After a hearty breakfast going to Karolina for a meeting with Zuzka and Viktor whom I will photograph a wedding in June and Aleš will be my help... Amazing people, I'm already looking forward :).. We also saw in Karolina interesting girl with a boy with unusual hair, top... In the evening a Ball and at the last moment a girl who was supposed to make my hair, couldn't do it so I had to do it by myself but it was good in the end... On a Ball in Akord we checked my photo exhibition, had a drink with Roman J., took a photo together and enjoyed the night...