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Po zdravé snídani jdeme přesadit bambus... Aleš doplnil zásoby :D... A Mucce sem zkusila dát toaleťák, celá zvědavá, co s ním bude dělat :D A trhá a kouše :D... Mucka má taky nový domeček, krabici... Balíček ze čtvrtka obsahoval power banku, wuhůůů, krása, moc děkuji!
After a healthy breakfast we are going to replant the bamboo... Aleš added bottles :D... And I tried to give Mucinqa a toilet paper, I was curious what she will do with it :D And she is tearing it and biting it :D... Mucinqa also has a new house, a paper box!... The package from Thursday contained a power bank, wuhůůů, nice, thanks so much!