La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

left arrowprevious day Week 3 - 14. 6. 2017
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8. 6.Jeudi


9. 6.Vendredi


10. 6.Samedi


11. 6.Dimanche


12. 6.Lundi


13. 6.Mardi


14. 6.Mercredi

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Found this in my pocket, from Vegas. Payed a fortune teller 1$ for this haha. || Cleaning up the closets, organizing stuff is what I like. || I have 5 empty Lush's containers, time to return them in exchange for free facial mask! || Staying hydrated during hot days in Vancouver. || Got a white mug today for my girl Ginny, will paint something on it soon ! || Potassium, need need need. || Got this pusheen cat in Vegas, now it's with me always and everywhere! || Granola cups, my new favorite stuff from Nature Valley. || ow it's been a fruit only day! and I made it ! ||

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6/19/2017 11:02:20 AM
Amazing trip, Elena! :) Very nice. You had to enjoy so much.

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left arrowprevious day Week 3 - 14. 6. 2017