La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Summer in 2018 - 14. 8. 2018
Share week

11. 8.Samedi


12. 8.Dimanche


13. 8.Lundi


14. 8.Mardi


15. 8.Mercredi


16. 8.Jeudi


17. 8.Vendredi

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I visited two shrines and one museum, and then one more building, it's Czech Embassy. It has a tourist center in the Czech Republic and it is the place where we gathered information when we first went to the Czech Republic.  The photo on the bottom right is one of things that I can not like. The shape is cute though...

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9/9/2018 1:58:33 PM
Thank you for massages. I'm planning to go to your country next year again!! I'm looking forward to the date.
9/2/2018 11:22:09 AM
After a long time again a very nice Japanese week ...
8/30/2018 11:58:57 AM

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