La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Desátý - 30. 4. 2019
Share week

28. 4.Dimanche


29. 4.Lundi


30. 4.Mardi


1. 5.Mercredi


2. 5.Jeudi


3. 5.Vendredi


4. 5.Samedi

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We moved to Cesky Krumlov to visit the event Magical Krumlov. I wanted to see their majka. It was sunny day this day, but it had been raining for last two days though. I felt the even lovely, because people seemed happy. I like this spring event and seeing majka. I hope to visit in Moravia to see theirs someday.

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6/2/2019 2:14:08 PM
Great! Congratulation! Nice to see the famous faces :-)
5/25/2019 9:54:48 AM
Beautiful week... :-D
5/25/2019 9:41:31 AM
Thank you so much for your comments and seeing my week. Now Tetsuya is very embarrassed to see the front page now. :-))
5/25/2019 7:24:33 AM
Great! :)
5/24/2019 1:17:47 PM
Congratulations to the editor`s choice, Junko. Your weeks are enrichment for the Week of Life project.
5/24/2019 10:33:57 AM
Ahoj, Junko! :)
5/23/2019 9:10:28 AM
Hello Junko. This is a beautiful week! I am so happy You go back to our country. Thank You for this nice memories. Ahoj!

left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Desátý - 30. 4. 2019