La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Зимние каникулы/Winter holidays - 9. 1. 2011
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5. 1.Mercredi


6. 1.Jeudi


7. 1.Vendredi


8. 1.Samedi


9. 1.Dimanche


10. 1.Lundi


11. 1.Mardi

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Cheboksaru, Russia ) отъезд из Татарстана, прибытие в Чувашию-Чебоксары!

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1/23/2011 3:56:06 PM
Lenka, yes, saturday is about city and sun. and pancakes)
1/23/2011 3:54:51 PM
Adolf, it's so pleasent for me. It's cool that your project looks like you hope! Also i look your year - you were flying above my city on 14 of november! )
1/23/2011 2:34:52 PM
Very good! Saturday is the best for me.
1/23/2011 1:56:55 PM
I really feel these are the kind of weeks we hoped for when we started the project! Thank you! Adolf
1/22/2011 9:39:12 PM
Very good!
1/22/2011 9:32:56 PM
Thank you all! Like that u like cold russian winter))
1/22/2011 9:30:43 PM
Very nice week! Šárka
1/22/2011 9:28:34 PM
Vaclav, thank u! On photo #8 there is young great singer, who plays & sings))
1/22/2011 8:41:42 PM
Good work, This Week is absolutely great :)!
1/22/2011 8:02:52 PM
tueasday is my favourite day .
1/22/2011 5:30:46 PM
in my opinion its very nice week
1/22/2011 4:35:38 PM
Very good!!!
1/22/2011 12:16:17 PM
Nice colors, my favourite is photo number 8 from Tuesday.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Зимние каникулы/Winter holidays - 9. 1. 2011