La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Waiting for the winter 2009 - 28. 10. 2009
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26. 10.Lundi


27. 10.Mardi


28. 10.Mercredi


29. 10.Jeudi


30. 10.Vendredi


31. 10.Samedi


1. 11.Dimanche

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Atlas (my cat) wants to come to shower with me. Funny. I bought cigarettes though I promised I will never do that again :-) been promising that to myself for 8 years now. I like the athmosphere in our school. The building is very nice. Do not like swedish lessons AT ALL! Guys at the class are great. I went to work at two o´clock. Had a meeting. Interesting social media stuff. Went to bed before midnight.

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6/9/2024 7:02:29 PM
What kind of life does Pasi live today? :)
1/4/2010 7:50:11 PM
Interesting house. Is the great green bedroom with light therapy..;-)
11/21/2009 12:41:08 AM
cozy home)))

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