Élet a Földön - lakóinak saját szemszögéből

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 1. - 7. 1. 2015
Share week

5. 1.Hétfő


6. 1.Kedd


7. 1.Szerda


8. 1.Csütörtök


9. 1.Péntek


10. 1.Szombat


11. 1.Vasárnap

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Two week vacation is the end and it was time to go work. My workbox was pretty mess. In the evening I went for a run, I knitted socks my little girl and I enjoy my own free time. Today was already at + 2 degrees, but the strong wind.

Megjegyzés hozzáadása előtt be kell jelentkeznie.

Bejelentkezés Regisztráció

1/17/2015 12:58:55 AM
Really nice calm week :)
1/16/2015 11:40:45 PM
It's all so familiar and similar to life in the Czech ... including the weather ... a small world ... and it's a good place to live ... and this is a great week ...
1/16/2015 7:08:39 PM
Good week, I like it, you have a pretty daughter and nice cat (-:
1/16/2015 9:31:21 AM
Very good!
1/11/2015 11:06:03 PM
Very nice week. I'm looking forward to next WoL. :)

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