Życie na planecie Ziemi oczami jej mieszkańców

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Nara - 18. 7. 2016
Share week

16. 7.Sobota


17. 7.Niedziela


18. 7.Poniedziałek


19. 7.Wtorek


20. 7.Środa


21. 7.Czwartek


22. 7.Piątek

Zestaw tego użytkownika zawiera podpis dnia w innym języku, aniżeli język strony, z której teraz korzystasz.
Nara has the huge statue of Buddha. Visiting there in the morning without not many people was quite nice. And Nara is a famous for in the deer. There are a lot of deer!!

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8/11/2016 4:37:57 PM
Dobry den! Thank you for massages!! I'm glad for this editor's choice!! And I'm so happy you get interested in Nara and Japanese life. I like my house with a lot of Czech things around me. :-)
8/9/2016 6:22:52 PM
Hello Junko =) Nice week! It is nice for me to see how you live in your coutry. Many greetings from Czech republic and congra for editor´s choice!
8/9/2016 4:34:43 PM
Congratulations for editors choice! :-)
8/8/2016 12:29:55 PM
I love it! Thank you for sharing...
8/8/2016 10:05:39 AM
Very nice trip to Nara, Junko :) All this week is fine!But I like the most seventh Friday picture.
8/8/2016 8:11:29 AM
8/7/2016 9:36:40 AM
Hello Junko. This is very nice week. I like to see haw You live. Nara is beautiful.

left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Nara - 18. 7. 2016