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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Back at work - 2. 7. 2010
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29. 6.Marţi


30. 6.Miercuri


1. 7.Joi


2. 7.Vineri


3. 7.Sâmbătă


4. 7.Duminică


5. 7.Luni

Set of this user includes day descriptions in a different language than the language of the website you are using at the moment.
Morning walk with the dogs, On the way to pick up customers for today trip, Self-portrait on the way, Customers with guide near hot water lake, Time for lunch in Coleman's Cafe in Big falls Village (excellent food every time), Walk by Blue Creek near Blue Creek Village, Entrance to the cave where our customers and guide went, Me waiting for them near the river and taking pictures, Relaxing after cave swim and then just trip home.

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7/12/2010 4:48:22 PM
Dekiji moc za chvalu a komenty. Mr. Zika, you can come any time you want. We will find you somewhere to sleep.
7/12/2010 3:41:00 PM
Neumím, bohužel, anglicky, ale i tak chci pochválit tento set, pane Karle, je to hezké, fotka č.8 z úterka mě dostala..Zdravím do té dálky a těším se na další fotky od Vás.Šárka z OV..
7/12/2010 3:22:38 PM
Very nice, I want to be there as soon as possible :-). A
7/11/2010 11:02:39 AM
Zajímavý týden :-)
7/11/2010 9:09:59 AM
Ahoj Karle, tento týden na pořádné exotické grády!!!
7/10/2010 5:34:48 PM
Great shots. I liked your documentary style. Zdraví LB

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