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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Off to Norway I - 8. 7. 2015
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8. 7.Miercuri


9. 7.Joi


10. 7.Vineri

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Too bad the weegie was not right this time. The Paris of the North we found to be a bit exaggerating. Anyway we had a fine day in Tromsø. We1: (She sells) sea shells on the sea shore - read it 3x fast! :-P, We2: weepy morning, We3: 1st and last church, We4: Take her to the sea, Mr. Murdoch!, We5: exotic brød, We6: feels familiar, We7: Wheeeee..., We8: scouting for land, We9: Natural shower? Noooo...

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9/8/2015 8:53:31 PM
Thanks! Diky! I wish it was possible to capture how it really looked like :-) Enorm powah! :-)
9/1/2015 9:05:06 PM
Norway powa! view from tent is fabulous
8/31/2015 3:58:35 PM
Úžasné! Kochám se :)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Off to Norway I - 8. 7. 2015