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left arrowprevious day 9. Jyväskylässä - 3. 1. 2016
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28. 12.Luni


29. 12.Marţi


30. 12.Miercuri


31. 12.Joi


1. 1.Vineri


2. 1.Sâmbătă


3. 1.Duminică

Set of this user includes day descriptions in a different language than the language of the website you are using at the moment.
Tänään lähdimme kotiin. Pysähdyimme pari kertaa matkalla ABC:lla ja Lidlissä, matkaan meni n. 4,5 tuntia. Koti oli vähän kylmä joten piti laittaa takka päälle. Kiitos tästä viikosta !!

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1/11/2016 9:04:40 AM
Moi Taija! Ahh i like Turku, nice City. I was there few months ago on way to Parainen :) Recognised few places on road :D I hope i will have chance to go back in summer time. Kiitos viikko!
1/10/2016 6:50:43 PM
Hei, mielenkiintoinen viikko ... ainakin Suomessa on lunta ...
1/10/2016 4:09:11 PM
Sarka: Do not worry, I do not understand anyone texts here :D
1/9/2016 11:21:07 PM
Erittäin mukava viikko :-)
1/9/2016 1:31:07 PM
Hello Taija =) Your language looks realy nice, it is a pity I do not understand a word =) Seems you had lovely Christamas time and New years Eve either!

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left arrowprevious day 9. Jyväskylässä - 3. 1. 2016