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left arrowprevious day 80th week - 13. 7. 2016
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1. 7.Vineri


8. 7.Vineri


9. 7.Sâmbătă


10. 7.Duminică


11. 7.Luni


12. 7.Marţi


13. 7.Miercuri

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Česky English
Dnes nevím, jak to zvládnu v práci, protože mám teplotu ráno a cítím sa fakt mizerně... Beru si kapky i bonbony na krk a vyrážím... Den přežitý a zítra můžu pracovat z domu, super... Doma rychlá večeře a rychle do postele... I don't know how I will survive today at work because I have higher body temperature and I really feel bad... I'm taking drops and candies for sore throat with me... I survived the day and tomorrow I can work from home, cool... At home quick dinner and quickly to the bed...

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Accesare Înregistrare

7/26/2016 9:17:55 PM
Mucinqa je teda kočka:) Super ;-)

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left arrowprevious day 80th week - 13. 7. 2016