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left arrowprevious day Rock for People 2016 - 7. 7. 2016
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1. 7.Vineri


2. 7.Sâmbătă


3. 7.Duminică


4. 7.Luni


5. 7.Marţi


6. 7.Miercuri


7. 7.Joi

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English Slovensky
Running around town, getting things done. GISHWHES prize came in. Beer, walk home.. Trying to save myself from the hangover tomorrow (hint: I didn't) Vybaviť nejaké veci do mesta. Prišla cena z GISHWHESu! Pivko a cesta domov. Snažím sa zachrániť pred zajtrajším bolehlavom- neúspešne. :)

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7/21/2016 3:01:10 PM
So7 :) Po6 - každá? Út1 ta se mi vždycky líbila. Út5 super! St9 nic se tam nezměnilo. ...a já, kam že se poděly ty chlebíčky

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left arrowprevious day Rock for People 2016 - 7. 7. 2016