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next dayright arrow 83rd week - 28. 7. 2016
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28. 7.Joi


29. 7.Vineri


30. 7.Sâmbătă


31. 7.Duminică


1. 8.Luni


2. 8.Marţi


3. 8.Miercuri

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Česky English
Strýca mám v Kolumbii tisíce km daleko, je tam skrz projekt a má tam o 7 hodin méně a je to celkem sranda si psát :D... Najdete micinu na 6. fotce? To sa mi tak vyvaluje na křesle :))... Kolotoč v kuchyni mě baví a úsměvem do postele... I have an uncle in Colombia, thousands of kilometers away, he is there throughout the project and there is 7 hours less than here so it's funny to write together :D... Can you find a cat on 6th photo? She is relaxing on my chair :))... With smile to the bed...

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Accesare Înregistrare

8/16/2016 3:45:55 PM
Micina je fakt akrobat...pěkně se kouká na kočky...:-)
8/15/2016 8:55:51 PM
Zase plno koček ..... super ....
8/11/2016 12:47:59 PM
So-4 ta je hodně dobrá :-)
8/10/2016 10:23:23 PM
:-) fajny jsou pá 4+6 a So 1

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next dayright arrow 83rd week - 28. 7. 2016