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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 127th week - 2. 6. 2017
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1. 6.Joi


2. 6.Vineri


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4. 6.Duminică


5. 6.Luni


6. 6.Marţi


7. 6.Miercuri

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Už dlouho jsem neměla chupa chups... Přijeli mi domů krabice s chipsama. :D A tak jdu něco pofotit... Jelkož je tento víkend Aleš na chatě, tak jedu za Svatavou a máme holčičí večer. :) I haven't had a chupa chups for a long time... YesChips boxes came to my home :D So I'm gonna to take some photos... As this weekend is Aleš in the cottage with guys, I'm going to Svatava and we have a girl's evening. :)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 127th week - 2. 6. 2017