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left arrowprevious day 143rd week - 27. 9. 2017
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21. 9.Joi


22. 9.Vineri


23. 9.Sâmbătă


24. 9.Duminică


25. 9.Luni


26. 9.Marţi


27. 9.Miercuri

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Česky English
Wuhůůů, dnes jdeme na tu čokoládovou lázeň, co dostal Aleš od Svatavy k narozkám. To byla síla teda! Horko, jak sviňa, až sa mi z teho po vstání, motala hlava. :D Museli jsme co chvílu do vlažnější sprchy. Ale bylo to super, určitě to má pozitivní vliv na tělo a cítili jsme sa suprově :)... Večer pak přijeli děti. Viki - ségra od Svatavy s Ondrou. Bereme je do Fabricu na studentskou párty a byla to jedna velká katastrofa. :D Snad jediný Namaas hrál suprově! :) Wuhuuu, today we are going to the chocolate bath which Aleš got from Svatava for a birthday. That was so hot! Hot as never and when standing up, my head tangled. :D We had to take a lukewarm shower many times. But it was great, it surely has a positive effect on the body and we felt great :)... In the evening came kids. Viki - sister of Svatava with Ondra. We are taking them to Fabric for a students party and it was one big disaster. :D Only Namaas played awesome! :)

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10/23/2017 10:19:14 PM
Mucinqa je boží stvoření:-))))

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left arrowprevious day 143rd week - 27. 9. 2017