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Čajík se zázvorem a s chilli po ránu tak na probuzení :D... Na oběd pizza a dokonce i s plátky brambor. Ale už bych si ji znovu nedala, ty brambory tam neseděly... Nicméně kešu tyčinka to zachránila!... Po práci šup do pelechu s čajíkem, bo je fakt kosa... Snad poprvé jím nashi, a je to mňam! :)... Aldova mamka si ze starých riflí udělala fešnou tašku! :)
Tea with ginger and chilli right after the morning to wake up :D... For lunch pizza and even with slides of potatoes. But I wouldn't take it again, the potatoes wasn't so good on it... However, the cashew bar saved it!... After work to the bed because its really cold... Perhaps for the first time eating nashi, and it's yummy! :)... Alda's mom made a good bag from old jeans! :)