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Tak jsem hnedka z rána dostala po prdeli a od Aldy to bolelo nejvíc. :D A ještě za to dostal velikonoční Svijany a Milu. :P :D No, Mucinqa dostala taky, jakožto baba :D... A aj já jsem si něco zasloužila, a to sýrového zajíčka :))... Stérimar, dobrá to věc na čištění nosu... Venku je přenádherně a Mucinqa sa vyhřívá...
So I got hit my ass from early morning and the worst pain was from Alda. :D And he got for it the Easter Svijany beer and Mila. :P :D Well, Mucinqa got hit too, because she is a lady too :D... And I got also something, a cheese bunny :))... Stérimar, good thing to clean your nose... Outside is beautiful and Mucinqa is heating up...