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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Octubre - 2. 11. 2009
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30. 10.Vineri


31. 10.Sâmbătă


1. 11.Duminică


2. 11.Luni


3. 11.Marţi


4. 11.Miercuri


5. 11.Joi


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12/3/2024 2:11:31 AM
Ten týden je starší než můj vstup do WOL :-)
5/7/2010 7:57:41 PM
I'm on it... Come here you'll be in for a change...
5/7/2010 12:07:47 PM
Viktor is right.. we're waiting for your next week.. :-))))
3/24/2010 7:50:55 AM
what about your next week... ? :) we' re about to pick up our summer destination for holiday...
2/9/2010 10:06:05 PM
We have a lot of snow outside here in Prague, so I really dream about waking up the way you do on your first foto on Friday. Thursday set is the best.
1/9/2010 4:25:04 PM
very nice! thank you! milada
1/8/2010 10:57:33 AM
Photos: moments d'émotions ...flaches dans nos cœurs.Merci
1/6/2010 4:02:16 PM
Very interesting and emotional WEEK. Thank you Petr
1/6/2010 1:04:34 AM
1/6/2010 12:57:57 AM
J'adore la douche :)
12/24/2009 10:46:46 AM
Just one look here and you' ll dream on to move to place like this...
12/20/2009 4:15:48 PM
That is great! We have lot of snow today and -24! You can imagine how warm is your set :-) Need sun a.s.a.p. :-) Thank you. Adolf Zika founder of WOL

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Octubre - 2. 11. 2009