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next dayright arrow 180th week - 7. 6. 2018
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7. 6.Joi


8. 6.Vineri


9. 6.Sâmbătă


10. 6.Duminică


11. 6.Luni


12. 6.Marţi


13. 6.Miercuri

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Srdíčka pro lásku a radost od pána z včerejšího večera :))... Po práci na squash si dát do těla... Mucinqa sa mi doma schovává ve skříni, kde je to dost natěsno :D... A pak mi krade vodu! Hearts for love and joy from the man of yesterday's evening :))... After work on squash... Mucinqa is hiding in the closet, where it is tight enough :D... And then she steals my water!

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6/26/2018 3:46:38 PM
Mucinka je šibalka...:-)

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next dayright arrow 180th week - 7. 6. 2018