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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 180th week - 8. 6. 2018
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7. 6.Joi


8. 6.Vineri


9. 6.Sâmbătă


10. 6.Duminică


11. 6.Luni


12. 6.Marţi


13. 6.Miercuri

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Česky English
Dnes na obědě v Rozmarýny, kde si už radši dávám poloviční porci, protože celou porci spolu ještě s polévkou, nikdy nesním... Po práci sa vrháme na několika hodinovou práci v podkroví... Aldova kadeřnica mi poslala na zkoušku BioSilk... Today for lunch in Rosemary, where I prefer to take half serving, because I never eat full serving together with soup... After work, we go to work for a few hours in the attic... Alda's hairdresser sent me BioSilk to try...

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6/26/2018 3:46:38 PM
Mucinka je šibalka...:-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 180th week - 8. 6. 2018