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11/19/2011 10:16:01 AM
more weeks from Russia please :-)
11/19/2011 10:00:57 AM
Аня, даа. там здорово очень ))
10/22/2011 5:50:15 PM
Ты была в Диснейлэнде!! аааа!!!!!
2/15/2011 11:00:58 PM
Good work ! I love this place. Check my Paris Week, when you want :)
2/14/2011 8:57:26 PM
This is amazing travel guide about Paris! Thank you :-) I realy like it, and want to go there! :-)
2/14/2011 8:05:58 PM
thanks for answering :)
2/14/2011 6:35:45 PM
woow...I love Paris - so thanks for the trip in this time :)) it's really interesting week, i like it :) Saturday is funny day :D...great week :))
2/14/2011 3:44:38 PM
2/14/2011 2:38:33 PM
A great week capturing a wonderful city!
2/14/2011 2:08:54 PM
Nice..I like it :)
2/14/2011 10:48:27 AM
Oui, Paris!:o) very nice trip and photos of the Eiffel Tower:o)
2/14/2011 9:13:39 AM
Very good!
2/14/2011 9:12:10 AM
Very good week...:-)

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