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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Sochi - 10. 10. 2011
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7. 10.Vineri


8. 10.Sâmbătă


9. 10.Duminică


10. 10.Luni


11. 10.Marţi


12. 10.Miercuri


13. 10.Joi


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10/28/2011 3:12:22 PM
many greetings to Yeka :-]
10/28/2011 9:08:49 AM
High quality ;)
10/26/2011 10:54:07 PM
Интересными и приятными поездки в Сочи. Являются ли мои фотографии с воскресенья на позиции восемь. Ангелы выглядит и высоты на землю.
10/26/2011 10:37:20 PM
Interesting week...your weeks makes me think about a trip to your country: )
10/26/2011 7:15:03 PM
Just the quality
10/26/2011 6:51:42 PM
Really very nice week Júlia. It´s so pleasant to see liife in your country.Great work :)
10/26/2011 6:26:16 PM
I like it. Good.
10/26/2011 2:55:08 PM
Very good!!!
10/26/2011 10:13:54 AM
Very good! I like it.
10/26/2011 9:58:57 AM
Welcome back Yulia. Thanks for taking us to Sochi and all the way to the Republic of Abkhazia border. What a great week.
10/26/2011 9:13:34 AM
Very good week...

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Sochi - 10. 10. 2011