Život na planéte Zem očama jej obyvateľov

Zdieľať týždeň

16. 7.Sobota


17. 7.Nedeľa


18. 7.Pondelok


19. 7.Utorok


20. 7.Streda


21. 7.Štvrtok


22. 7.Piatok

Set tohto užívateľa obsahuje popis dňa v inom jazyku, ako je jazyk stránky, ktorú teraz používáš.
There are many ancient tombs and remains in Nara. There are rice fields, mountains, temples, shrines and nice people there. It's very nice, but it's so humid!! It's nice place for beer.

Musíte byť zaregistrovaný pre pridávanie príspevkov.

Prihlásenie Registrácia

8/11/2016 4:37:57 PM
Dobry den! Thank you for massages!! I'm glad for this editor's choice!! And I'm so happy you get interested in Nara and Japanese life. I like my house with a lot of Czech things around me. :-)
8/9/2016 6:22:52 PM
Hello Junko =) Nice week! It is nice for me to see how you live in your coutry. Many greetings from Czech republic and congra for editor´s choice!
8/9/2016 4:34:43 PM
Congratulations for editors choice! :-)
8/8/2016 12:29:55 PM
I love it! Thank you for sharing...
8/8/2016 10:05:39 AM
Very nice trip to Nara, Junko :) All this week is fine!But I like the most seventh Friday picture.
8/8/2016 8:11:29 AM
8/7/2016 9:36:40 AM
Hello Junko. This is very nice week. I like to see haw You live. Nara is beautiful.

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beer Japan mačka

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