Život na planéte Zem očama jej obyvateľov

nasledujúci deňright arrow Travelling in Europe around Christmast time - 27. 11. 2010
Zdieľať týždeň

27. 11.Sobota


28. 11.Nedeľa


29. 11.Pondelok


30. 11.Utorok


1. 12.Streda


2. 12.Štvrtok


3. 12.Piatok

Set tohto užívateľa obsahuje popis dňa v inom jazyku, ako je jazyk stránky, ktorú teraz používáš.
I like to take pictures. I´m not a photographer, but like to take snapshots. Unfortunatly I lost my panasonic dcm Tz7 on this trip. So most of my photos are taken with my Iphone 4. I live and work as a psychologist in Bergen, Norway. I do an educational program in psychology in Edinburg. I travel there once a month. My weekend starts in Edinburgh, and by visiting the castle in Edinburgh´s old town. Its a marvellous view over the town up there! In town Astrid Bussink have an interesting exhibition at the filmhouse and there is a fair in the middle of town. The highlite of the day, was the concert with Interpol

Musíte byť zaregistrovaný pre pridávanie príspevkov.

Prihlásenie Registrácia

8/16/2015 4:39:05 PM
nice :)
9/29/2012 10:01:34 PM
Very nice pictures
12/23/2010 9:19:50 AM
mistake in grammer..../I have read/
12/23/2010 9:10:21 AM
hi...Still I have red your writting about and I hope you will buy a new camera and you will be continue in this project...happy New year MiraD
12/23/2010 8:41:13 AM
Very nice ;) Good job..
12/22/2010 4:58:49 PM
Thank you for your contribution to the project! Welcome!
12/22/2010 3:25:50 PM
Welcome to WoL:o) Very nice trip.
12/22/2010 9:17:17 AM
ok...nice spending chrismas time

nasledujúci deňright arrow Travelling in Europe around Christmast time - 27. 11. 2010