Život na planéte Zem očama jej obyvateľov

left arrowpredchádzajúci deň Opožděné Vánoce v Česku - 9. 1. 2013

3. 1.Štvrtok


4. 1.Piatok


5. 1.Sobota


6. 1.Nedeľa


7. 1.Pondelok


8. 1.Utorok


9. 1.Streda

Set tohto užívateľa obsahuje popis dňa v inom jazyku, ako je jazyk stránky, ktorú teraz používáš.
Foggy morning says that today will be...full of surprises. We made a sister´s day - the nicest cofé in the world, hot chocolate with mint and cherries, and walk around this small town. Beautiful architecture is hiding behind the foggy cloud. Beautiful morning. Afternoon...happy...sad...wonderful. One of my best friends and one of the most beautiful souls in the world came to give me a christmas present, incredible book. Having a cofee and loong, looong talks. It´s just the moment when you are with the right person, no matter where, no matter in which cases. Just being. Evening with my cousin Veronika, saing goodbye. The mood starts to take another way, is heading to middle of nowhere now. I hate saying goodbye. Especially to this person. And than another goodbye. Another part of my family. But...it´s time to make the next step...to future:) Because yesterday is history, tommorow is a mystery. Today is a gift and that is why it´s called the present.

Musíte byť zaregistrovaný pre pridávanie príspevkov.

Prihlásenie Registrácia

1/25/2013 3:03:29 PM
Moc hezké a dojemné.

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left arrowpredchádzajúci deň Opožděné Vánoce v Česku - 9. 1. 2013