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left arrowpredchádzajúci deň nasledujúci deňright arrow My first week - 12. 3. 2010
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7. 3.Nedeľa


8. 3.Pondelok


9. 3.Utorok


10. 3.Streda


11. 3.Štvrtok


12. 3.Piatok


13. 3.Sobota


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5/1/2011 11:27:35 AM
very good photos, the atmosphere of the country reflect very well ...
9/26/2010 11:32:58 PM
different life, beautiful people. I find it veru interesting.
6/30/2010 8:48:56 PM
of course, i LIKE it :o))
6/30/2010 8:48:27 PM
I leki this week...
5/26/2010 10:09:14 PM
5/26/2010 10:11:53 AM
Nice week, thanks for this trip to Kenya :-)
5/24/2010 9:47:47 AM
This is very interesting week for me.
5/23/2010 4:58:31 PM
It is fine trip for me,country life is other than my in the Central Europe ,interesting week :-)
5/22/2010 9:43:50 AM
Thanks a lot to Jiri Pergl. You introduced me to the Week of Life. Karibu tena Kenya.
5/22/2010 9:42:19 AM
These r my pix. I toured trouble torn Laikipia and Samburu districts. Some pix r from lodges in Samburu which were marooned by floods, and protest agaisnt police officers after they hacked a youth to death at Lerata area in Samburu East.
5/21/2010 5:32:54 PM
Very good confrontation with different culture for us. Thank for this set.
5/21/2010 3:12:42 PM
Your week is like window into the Kenyan culture. Hi, LB
5/21/2010 12:17:24 PM
Well, I have seen my share of the world but this is something completely new to me. I am amazed!
5/21/2010 11:00:17 AM
Thank you for this set! A.
5/21/2010 10:22:15 AM
Nice week ;-)
5/21/2010 8:56:44 AM
Hi Job, welcome in the Week of Life family! Thank you for your interesting week which shows us a little bit from the everyday life of the Kenyan people:o)

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left arrowpredchádzajúci deňnasledujúci deňright arrow My first week - 12. 3. 2010