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next dayright arrow Week 2 - 25. 5. 2017
Share week

25. 5.Четверг


26. 5.Пятница


27. 5.Суббота


28. 5.Воскресенье


29. 5.Понедельник


30. 5.Вторник


31. 5.Среда

Страница данного Пользователя включает описания дней на языке, не доступном на сайте, которые вы ипользуете в данный момент.
Avocado time! Can't ever get enough of avocados..|| It's like a hundred degrees outside. cool off || Nails done before I go outside to get some nice tan! || Sunny, love Vancouver during the summer. || Tea time, herbal teas! || Lihuanian candies, got them from family back home|| Looking to get a car, finally! || Got printed photos can't wait to hang some on the walls..|| TUNDRA snacks. Missing my lithuanian friend right now. ||

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6/26/2017 7:49:59 PM
I welcome you, beauty ... interesting week ... and please let me know you better ...
6/6/2017 11:11:06 PM
Really nice, Elena. You have amazing photos and as you can see you know what to share with us. And you were afraid that you have nothing to share because you just go to work and home! :D Liaaar! :)))

next dayright arrow Week 2 - 25. 5. 2017