Das Leben auf Planeten Erde durch die Augen ihrer Bewohner


Nohův první
In spite of our lives being affected by a mixture of stereotypes, empty boring moments and everyday problems, it is entirely up to us how we live up to our own expectations and how frequently we choose to look at life in a positive way. Jan Nožička joined the Week of Life family and ushered in with his life portrayed through camera obscura, immediately gaining our favor due to his photographic touch and attention to detail. We are looking forward to his future steps and welcome him to WoL.
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taký pomalý týždeň, v ktorom sa dokopy nič nestalo
Nuda v Praze, nuda v Berlíně
It is a rather intriguing occurrence that while others regard our lifestyle as enjoyable, unique and full of action, we consider it ourselves as a stereotype and at times boring, feeling the urge to live the life of someone else whenever possible. That is exactly the case with Jan Povýšil’s week called ‘Dullness in Prague, Dullness in Berlin’, granting us the unusual experience of witnessing tournaments in swimming of handicapped people, who strive to battle their fate not only on land, but also in water. A week full of fine snapshots and human victory has battled its way through to today’s Editor’s Choice.
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