Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Pozpátku / Going backwards - 26. 8. 2020

24. 8.Monday


25. 8.Tuesday


26. 8.Wednesday


27. 8.Thursday


28. 8.Friday


29. 8.Saturday


30. 8.Sunday

To work, adjust the grinder, to the doctor, back to work and finally a breakfast. Vasky are fine, they just chewed on my feet a bit. But it will get better. Shopping at the toy-store for adults. A trip to meet Pája at Letná and another cupping. Then home. I don’t even know how but I managed to proliferate the pomegranates so I have one more. Pája is working on the photos and I go to Albert to buy something to cook for tomorrow’s lunch. With that, home grown potatoes that I was digging up on Sunday in hot sun, otherwise known as the reason I can’t sleep on my back.

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9/9/2020 11:43:19 PM
9/7/2020 10:18:05 PM
Hlavně žádné násilí, týdny je třeba dělat bez nucení a stresu ... projekt WoL je vlastně jedna z forem sociální sítě, ale jeho velkou devizou je, že tady vlak jede tak pomalu, že motýli mohou otevřenými okny létat dovnitř a zase ven ... týden výbroný, líbilo se mi tady ...

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Pozpátku / Going backwards - 26. 8. 2020