Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

next dayright arrow Pozpátku / Going backwards - 24. 8. 2020
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I have a big gap between the weeks. I’ve got the photos but I didn’t have enough time to upload them and there were still more weeks running away, so I decided to outrun them and go backwards. I recived a sale from Dáme jídlo so why not use it? The day at work was normal, a waterman passed our door, nothing extraordinary here I’ve seen worse. After work finally going to pick up my Vasky. I’ve been waiting for them a month and half. And I found a perfect wallet. Yes, also because of its name. Pája was finally dismissed from the cupping at Letná so we’re going for a beer and see some deep thoughts on our way. 2 out of 7. And getting ready for winter? Maybe.

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9/9/2020 11:43:19 PM
9/7/2020 10:18:05 PM
Hlavně žádné násilí, týdny je třeba dělat bez nucení a stresu ... projekt WoL je vlastně jedna z forem sociální sítě, ale jeho velkou devizou je, že tady vlak jede tak pomalu, že motýli mohou otevřenými okny létat dovnitř a zase ven ... týden výbroný, líbilo se mi tady ...

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next dayright arrow Pozpátku / Going backwards - 24. 8. 2020