Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day Pozpátku / Going backwards - 30. 8. 2020

24. 8.Monday


25. 8.Tuesday


26. 8.Wednesday


27. 8.Thursday


28. 8.Friday


29. 8.Saturday


30. 8.Sunday

Pája made me breakfast. We went to boulder later. Trying to find an opened restaurant Sunday afternoon was surprisingly a problem. Eventually we had a lunch at Salt n Pepa. And after four weeks of not being able to get Aperol Spritz anywhere I made it at home myself. We spent the rest of the evening painting the masks from Luxfery and baking cinnamon rolls. I almost didn’t know what to do with the dough eventually and it didn’t wanna rise at first.

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9/9/2020 11:43:19 PM
9/7/2020 10:18:05 PM
Hlavně žádné násilí, týdny je třeba dělat bez nucení a stresu ... projekt WoL je vlastně jedna z forem sociální sítě, ale jeho velkou devizou je, že tady vlak jede tak pomalu, že motýli mohou otevřenými okny létat dovnitř a zase ven ... týden výbroný, líbilo se mi tady ...

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left arrowprevious day Pozpátku / Going backwards - 30. 8. 2020