La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

next dayright arrow Week of Work - 23. 3. 2016
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23. 3.Miércoles


24. 3.Jueves


25. 3.Viernes


26. 3.Sábado


27. 3.Domingo


28. 3.Lunes


29. 3.Martes

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Today was a travel day. Took Max for an early morning walk, had a nice dip in the hot tub, said bye to Niki when she left for work, my parents brought there dog over for Niki to baby sit, took a shuttle to the airport, waited for my flight, flew from Toronto to Edmonton while enjoying some wine and cheese, Spent the night at the Holiday Inn

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4/26/2016 9:26:06 PM
Oh, that's nice :)
4/26/2016 9:14:56 PM
Its very interesting environment! (y)
4/18/2016 10:30:58 AM
Tak a teď mi je zima :-) ....super :-)
4/15/2016 7:42:37 AM
Nice photos, harsh conditions, the camera freezes, in which type of the camera is this taken?
4/14/2016 2:53:59 PM
Perfektní...i když mě z těch obrázků zebou oči...:-)
4/14/2016 12:59:33 PM
Sem musím ešte niečo napísať, schválne po slovensky... Kyle je úžasný mladý muž, milý, úprimný, čestný, pracovitý, empatický, ktorého som si od prvej sekundy ( je to už 10 rokov) zamilovala a som nekonečne vďačná, že patrí do našej rodiny (toto mu Niki neprekladaj, aby nezpyšnel!!)... Nedávno bol v Bratislave, kde mi sľúbil, že urobí týždeň, aj keď majú v práci zákaz fotenia (diamantová baňa...:))... nakoniec ani tak veľmi prácu nefotil, teda dúfam že nič, z čoho by mohol byť problém... Dopriala by som vám počuť jeho zážitky (napríklad s ľadovým mackom), a tiež si vyskúšať prácu vonku pri -40 aj menej (to si oblieka niečo ako radiátor skrížený s kabátom- špeciálny vyhrievaný oblek, ktorý stojí viac ako auto...:)))
4/14/2016 10:09:38 AM
Very nice. :-)
4/12/2016 7:56:47 AM
Excellent week!
4/11/2016 11:43:31 PM
Hi Kyle, welcome to Week of Life!! I am so happy that you kept your promise... Thanks to you, WoL now expanded to the far canadian north, where -20 means a pleasant warm day... and where when it is -35 even eyes could freeze... I am sending my regards to Niki and I hope, that soon I will process and post 2 weeks with you and Niki in Bratislava...
4/11/2016 10:29:33 PM
I forgot to write how the world is small. Kyle is already well known here :-).
4/11/2016 9:50:33 PM
Damned Kyle, that's awesome!! And freezing too:)
4/11/2016 9:01:58 PM
I'm cold just from how I look at it. Thank you for a tour of interesting places. Bravo.

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