La vie sur la planète Terre par les yeux de ses habitants

Choix de la rédaction

1. týden 2010
Lately we noticed an improvement with many of you; an improvement, which is apparent with every new set. This is also the case of Roman Doleček. His first set caught our attention with its individuality, but with the second one, two words were sufficient – Editor’s choice. Whereas his first set was characterized by bird’s-eye photos, his second week he showed a willingness to glance up as well, thereby putting together a very creative week of life.
Detailní dovolená na Vysočině
Olympijské hry 2010
Two weeks of our lives were consumed by a terrific event, drawing out the patriotic feelings within us and dominating most television broadcasts. Yes, these were the Olympic Games. This year, they were held in the distant city of Vancouver, and thanks to the time zone difference, it forced the European population to get out of bed early or on the other hand, stay awake until the late morning hours. A few of us however had the unique privilege to experience all the tension and joy combined in person. Mr. David, who was amongst these lucky individuals, documented his Olympic adventure in order to share it with us in his first week of life.
Jak jsem předběhl Zdeňka Kamrlu