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Ráno jdu rychle s flashkou do Tety tisknout fotky pro babičku od Libči, protože je na cestě k nám... Doma si dáváme kafíčko, slivovičku a bramborový krém a pak jedeme do Avionu, babička chce bundu! :)... Bundu sme vybrali, šálu taky, já dostala na Vánoce krásnou džínovou košili a Libča károvanou košili, sme si vybrali. :) Pak sme zajeli ke Zdeničce na kafíčko a babička jede domů a my taky... Na 8. fotce můžete vidět tu super košili a koupila sem si aj boty, které sem měla už měsíc vyhlídlé! :D Véča a spát...
In the morning quickly going to Teta drugstore with usb driver to print some photos for grandma of Libča who is on the way to visit us... At home having a coffee, shot of Slivovice and potato cream and then going to Avion, grandma wants a new jacket! :)... Jacket chosen, scarf too, I got for a Christmas nice jean shirt and Libča checkered shirt, we chose. :)... Then we went to visit Zdenička for a coffee and grandma is going to home and we too... On 8th photo you can see super shirt and I also bought shoes which I was checking already one month! :D Dinner and sleep...