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Čtvrtek nezačíná moc dobře, jelikož sa Mucinqa 5x než sem odcházela do práce, pozvracela. A nebyly to chlupy... Tak jsem psala šéfovi, že začnu pracovat doma a dojedu do kanclu později a měl pochopení. :) Mucka takhle seděla snad 20 min a hleděla doblba, bylo jí fakt blbě. Pak jsem ale odjela do kanclu a po návratu zpět domů, už byla v pořádku a sebrala mi hned mobil :D... Něco se mě dotklo, a tak to sklenka vína jistí...
Thursday doesn't start too well because Mucinqa threw up 5 times before I left home to work. And she didn't throw up from her hair... So I wrote to my boss that I will start to work at home and will go to the office later and he understood it. :) Mucka sat like that for 20 mins and looked to nowhere, she felt really sick. Then I left to the office and after coming back to home, she was already okay and stole me my mobile :D... Something touched me so the glass of wine is a good solution...