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next dayright arrow Work Work Work - 27. 2. 2018
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27. 2.Wtorek


28. 2.Środa


1. 3.Czwartek


2. 3.Piątek


3. 3.Sobota


4. 3.Niedziela


5. 3.Poniedziałek

Zestaw tego użytkownika zawiera podpis dnia w innym języku, aniżeli język strony, z której teraz korzystasz.
Budu psat v AJ pac je to lehci, jinak tento tyden byl plny stresu a nekonecnych dnu. Castecne Iphone a 6D pristi tyden bude snad lepsi. 1. the tablet and matterport that allows me to do virtual reality of each flat 2. small part of my equipment I bought with me on Tuesday 3. staging minimal in my first unit 4. second flat of the day is much larger and takes several hours (the tour https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=sL7dgdRK1nR) 5. I started packing up my staging 6. The suit case I carry everything in weighs a ton! 7. Time to go home... 8. Random pineapple in the middle of the street... 9. Rat race..my days are long and hard but still better then being inside that building

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next dayright arrow Work Work Work - 27. 2. 2018