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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow AMS-VIE-MXP - 11. 3. 2014
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10. 3.Понедельник


11. 3.Вторник


12. 3.Среда


13. 3.Четверг


14. 3.Пятница


15. 3.Суббота


16. 3.Воскресенье

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1.On my way to meet my Belarusian friends, who are currently living in Vienna. 2. “Bitte NUR mit Beißkorb und Leine“ („dogs allowed ONLY with muzzle & leash”)! 3. Pedestrian “action” at Herrengasse. 4. On the way to our final destination, “BEAULIEU Épicerie fine & Bistrot” (Freyung 2/Herrengasse 14) @ Palais Ferstel Passage, we pass a Viennese classic: Café Central (Herrengasse 14). 5. On a warm spring evening out one might need some cash (ERSTE Bank @ Graben 21). 6. My friend Olga shows me a new Nespresso Boutique (@ Graben 10). 7. Stephansdom & Haas-Haus am Stock-im-Eisen-Platz. 8. Swarovski Megastore (Kärntner Straße 24). 9. On the way home I stumble upon a creative projection ad of http://dohnal.at, a Viennese family business, which specializes in kid’s fashion…

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7/22/2014 8:54:03 AM
I enjoyed your photos very much. Nice week!
4/15/2014 12:16:55 PM
Super :-)
4/12/2014 12:17:02 PM
@ Miroslav: oh, but there is almost no post-production here: I am using in-camera Canon Picture Styles (hence the color shifts) & I shot this week with a Lensbaby (hence the blur)
4/6/2014 2:12:23 AM
Nice week. Less postproduction would be better.
4/5/2014 8:26:54 PM
jj, ten týden byl bájo...gratuluju ;)
4/5/2014 3:20:20 PM
Thanks a lot for the comments! Am very much loving this project & the creative approach towards life of all of you!
4/5/2014 3:20:17 PM
Thanks a lot for the comments! Am very much loving this project & the creative approach towards life of all of you!
4/3/2014 8:43:44 PM
Nice week and welcome!
4/3/2014 5:40:33 PM
Hello Alena, welcome! Nice shots. Hope to see you soon again.
4/3/2014 11:18:20 AM
4/3/2014 8:40:24 AM
Welcome to the project Week of Life!!!
4/3/2014 8:36:43 AM
Beautiful adventure week!! Welcome to the project WOL :) I look forward to next weeks.

left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow AMS-VIE-MXP - 11. 3. 2014