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Zůstali jsme téměř do konce. Nejvíc to rozsekali Vini Vici, na který jsem sa těšila nejvíc, bo je miluju, že ano! Celý večer jsem skoro vůbec nepila, nic, a ke konci jsem už skoro usínala, ale Vini Vici ve mě probudili absolutního ďábla. :D Díky za to! Pak dlooouhá cesta domů, spánek a k večeru odjíždím na služebku do Budapeště na Amuse UX conference.
We stayed almost till the end. Who completely killed the night, were Vini Vici, which I enjoyed the most, because I simply love them, yeah! I almost didn't drink anything all night, nothing, and I almost fell asleep in the end, but Vini Vici woke me up in the absolutely devil mood. :D Thanks for it! Then a looong way to home, sleep, and in the afternoon going to business trip to Budapest for Amuse UX conference.