Das Leben auf Planeten Erde durch die Augen ihrer Bewohner


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The birth of a baby is one of the most wonderful things life has to offer. Here at WoL, we've already witnessed several weeks documenting such a happy moment. However, Žaneta Malá's first week called Big expectations is slightly different. The first time in Week of Life's history, the mother herself captured the first moments of her child in this world. There are sets that we remember for a long time and this one is certainly one of them. From all of us at WoL we wish the mother as well as the baby boy Samuel Malý all the best.
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Kypr aneb Denně aspoň jedna kočka
Oll vikan
Iceland has been labeled as the country with the highest suicide rate. One wonders about the irony, mainly due to the beauties and rareness of the Icelandic nature. Perhaps the weather shares a part of the guilt, having the tendency to change in a very short span of time. Nevertheless, in his week of life, Johannes Frank has showed us the brighter side of the island. The Icelandic people are however also known for one of their more peculiar habits. They tend to sniff and snivel, ignoring the invention of the handkerchief, quite humorously shown in this selected photo.
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My first week in WoL