Das Leben auf Planeten Erde durch die Augen ihrer Bewohner


My Week
There is something strangely magical about Stanko Abadzic’s set, something that attracts us, making us constantly wonder about his photographs and search for the undiscovered. Could it be his playful use of shadows? Or his ability to creatively express beauty? It’s difficult to say but that notwithstanding, Stanko Abadzic serves us his life with devilish ease, as if life with a touch of art was commonplace.
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Až mi bude tak sto deset ...
There are certain moments in life that fundamentally influence our future steps and make us realize that health is the most important gift a person has ever received. Such moment can cross the path of any one of us and it has certainly crossed the path of Petr Hrubý on the 8th of March, when he woke up in the morning realizing he cannot feel half of his body and that in the next few days, he will adapt to a new ‘home’ called the hospital bed, with his health in the hands of doctors. Even though he wanted to document these crucial times for his own record at first, he endured to take pictures throughout the entire week. Thanks to his persistence, he managed to take us to a place not all of us have been in since our birth, a patient’s life in a hospital environment from top to bottom: regular check-ups, boredom, pain, but also happy moments when a person discovers he is feeling better and will soon be released home. We thank him for such courage and tenacity.
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first week
In recent days, it is as if someone had waved a magic wand and suddenly weeks from People’s Republic of China started multiplying. We understand that not all the weeks fulfill the Week of Life requirements, but we picked Mr. Sun’s week for the Editor’s choice none the less. His photos are magical and take us to places that are for most of us remote and very distant. We are talking about Lhasa, a traditional place in Tibet, where one can find one of the landmarks recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site, the Potala Palace.
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