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Выбор редактора

Třetí, fofrtýden
Petra Šochmanová belongs among the group of mothers on maternity leave who has managed to present the life of her family in a humorous and original manner, mainly thanks to her two little girls that make it such an exciting story full of ‘little’ incidents that will be told again and again for many years to come. Her third week is no different and once again, it has been coated with a black and white layer, perfectly making the atmosphere of her week stand out.
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Kompaktní týden s EX1
It’s not always easy to drag around a heavy and expensive DSLR that you permanently have to take care of and pay attention to, so that you don’t leave it anywhere at the mercy of thieves. The solution to this problem is often a small compact camera that easily fits our pocket and makes us more mobile. Přemek Divácký was one to apply such a solution and decided to borrow a compact digital camera for documenting his third week. He managed to keep a very high technical quality standard of his week and what is more important – the quality of the content is just as good. We can only wait and see which camera he will choose for his upcoming week.
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Týden 12 - advent
Playful colors and imaginative photos – this is how we would describe the weeks of Lenka Pužmanová. These weeks are overflowing with the author's heart and soul and present life in such a sensitive manner. We are surely not the only ones that were so fascinated by her adventures and everything she had to offer. Already with her first week, Lenka set a high standard for herself and today we are happy to say that she has kept to her style and there is not a single week which would not be interesting in one way or the other, as it is the case of her last week called Week XXVI – Advent.
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nudný týden
Not every day is the best day of your life full of experience and exciting adventures. Sometimes we are simply bored and it is solely up to us how we deal with it. How Tomáš Šimek dealt with boredom is portrayed in his second week with a self-explanatory name ‘boring week’. We, however, were not bored and can claim without hesitation that he managed to document his life extremely well.
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týden s novým foťákem
Fall is certainly an odd season, namely due to having two sides. First, the affable one, which attracts even the ‘non-hikers’ with its characteristic variety of colors to take a walk in what nature has to offer. And then there is the second one, the sad and bleak opposite, causing anxiety and depression. And it is exactly the second darker side which best describes the week of David Alessi, who in his set called ‘The week with a new camera’ chose colors specific for this murky time of the year. It’s apparent he got acquainted with his new camera very well and we’ll see in what light he’ll portray his upcoming weeks.
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